Faces From The Neighborhood

Internicola Coaching: Start Living Your Story

May 7, 2018 | People in the Neighborhood
Donna Internicola

Donna Internicola of Internicola Coaching has one glorious mission. She guides you on your path to discovering and living your true story. Whether you are feeling overwhelmed by a writing task ahead of you or are just feeling stuck in your life, Donna teaches you how to remove the blocks that keep you stuck.

It’s your story. It’s your life.

Donna’s process is simple. First, she follows your agenda. Donna says she listens to you a lot at first. Instead of working with a set format or system with all her clients, she’ll pick a technique from her toolkit that will work best for you at that moment in time.

For example, you may come to her seeking assistance in writing a resume or another writing project, like an academic paper or an ebook. Maybe, you’re just having a hard time getting started. So, Donna will start asking you questions about you, acting like a stenographer in a way. Then, she’ll type it up for you to get you started.

Donnas says this type of activity frees you from worrying about what the words look or sound like. Then, you can just start speaking in your own words. Donna believes this piece of the process is crucial. A resume or other piece of professional writing like an academic paper, she says, is best when it reflects you and your style. Donna does not write for you, but empowers you to start writing for yourself.

Or, perhaps you come to Donna because you’re having a hard time making a big life decision. You’re just feeling unsettled or like something is just off in your life. Donna will support and lead you on a journey of finding out what’s really holding you back, right now. You’ll work toward learning what is your truth now in your life, and how can you move forward with that truth.

Bursts of warmth and compassion

Donna Internicola
Photo Courtesy Donna Internicola

Donna’s compassion and love for her work created an energy of warmth in the room as we spoke. She doesn’t believe you or anyone else is broken, only that we sometimes need some guidance and support to get through the tough times or roadblocks we face. “Until you know better, you can’t do better,” she says. I immediately felt supported as she spoke these words, although I was just listening to her story.

Putting you first

Donna shares that she’s always loved psychology since she was a kid. In fact, she earned a degree in Gerontology/Human Sciences. During her studies, she focused on how we age through life and what it is that brings meaning to us throughout our life’s journey. I think Donna is still on focused on that burning question and how she can move each and everyone of us toward finding our true meaning and story.

Donna worked for awhile as a day services director for patients with memory impairment, managing five staff members who handled the activities for 15 participants. Donna shares she had an a-ha moment while helping a patient to the restroom for the first time. After feeling uncomfortable for a moment, she quickly realized the experience wasn’t about her, but about helping someone who needed it. This realization freed Donna to give each participant the dignity and respect they deserved.

Donna also worked as a Director of Business Services for an independent retirement community. In that role, she did bookkeeping, accounting, payroll, and human resources. She also lent a willing ear if a resident or staff member needed someone to just listen.

Finding her own purpose

After working for awhile with the aging, Donna decided she wanted to make a change. So, Donna began working with a career coach and counselor and discovered that her passion and purpose are researching, writing, and making a difference in people’s lives.

Fortune Cookie
Photo Courtesy Donna Internicola

Like it often does, life handed Donna a great opportunity to work part-time with a coach who helped clients write resumes. Simultaneously, Donna took courses and became a certified life coach through New Vibe Training. Soon, Donna was an ICF Approved certified life coach.


Donna is what I call a true Renaissance woman. She is multi-talented and has a wide range of interests. For example, she is an impact panel speaker for a not-for-profit, Domestic Violence Safe Dialogue, that works with men going through the court system and helps them with the long-term effects of domestic violence.

Donna is also a member of SCARS of Oregon, where she supports and offers workshops to survivors of domestic violence. Donna shares that her personal experience with domestic violence over 40 years ago gives her the insight to help others heal.

But, Donna’s interests and community involvement don’t end there! She offers vision board workshops at Dance with Joy Studios, belongs to a Meetup group, Writing About Adoptions, and has a super big passion for music!

In fact, not only does Donnay play the piano, just this year she started taking acoustic jazz guitar lessons. Donna also loves to dance, and has been taking ballroom and latin dance classes for about 10 years. Moreover, she supports the thriving music community here in Portland anyway she can. Now, if that doesn’t describe a Renaissance woman, I don’t know what would!

The joy of coaching

But there’s one thing Donna kept circling back to as we talked – her passion for writing, researching, psychology, and making a difference. She credits her own coach from 10 years ago for helping her discover her own passions, and now, Donna is pulling it all together with Internicola Coaching.

Donna beams when she talks about her coaching. She gets excited when she explains how a resume is such a powerful empowerment tool to help job seekers move forward. She is as proud as a parent when one of her client’s lands the perfect job. And, they often do.

Donna bursts with joy when she helps a client get unstuck in his or her life. For Donna, it really isn’t about her much at all, but about helping you reach your potential. It’s what makes Donna tick.

You can follow Donna on Facebook here, or learn more at her website, internicolacoaching.com.

Donna also participates in the following Facebook pages:

I’m sure Donna would love to hear from you and get to know you. Are you living your story?

Donna Internicola's Cat
Donna’s Cat. Photo courtesy Donna Internicola
Lisa Ratzlaff

Lisa Ratzlaff is a web designer who loves telling the amazing stories of interesting people and businesses in Portland, Oregon. Her web design business is Share Your Story Media, where she builds powerful websites for small service-based businesses that help them succeed online.

Lisa Ratzlaff